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Exercises and Stretches

Below are videos and information to help you combat sedentary behavior on days where you might be needing an extra push the most!

Stretches and exercises to
Break Up Prolonged
Bouts of Sitting

As more and more people are forced into work from home due to job requirements or opting into taking more online classes, people are spending less and less time being physically active. Day in and day out we are glued to our desks and not receiving the benefits of the activities that would have normally been incorporated into our day.

Here are some suggestions to help break up the monotony of sitting for prolonged periods of time:

Exercises to do to break up prolonged sitting

Each exercise break should consist of a 2 minute warm-up followed by 4-6 mins of high intensity exercises

Take a Walk!

Walking is a great way to relieve stress, increase mood, and burn calories. Even just a small increase in time walking can have wonderful benefits to overall health! Have 

Walking Group

Mindfulness and 


Being mindful of the body's needs is important. If you need a break, try some meditation techniques to relieve stress. Even stretching in the morning to get the blood flowing can be a great start!

Meditating on the Beach
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